Head Architect
Denpasar has a population density of more than 19,000 people. So that the demand for land increases, but the availability of land decreases. This has resulted in high land prices in Denpasar. With an average community income of IDR 3,000,000, thinking about an apartment is a solution for the Denpasar community. Has a Lounge and Receptionist on the 1st Floor. Has 2 types of Room Units, namely Room Unite 1 which has a size of 3x6 meters with a total of 17 Rooms, has Pantry, Bathroom, Bedroom, Workspace, Terrace (smoking area) facilities. Type 2 has a size of 6x6 with additional Living Room facilities. The floor division is as follows, on the 2nd floor there are 8 rooms of Type 1 and on the 3rd Floor there are 8 rooms of Type 1. For the 4th floor there are 4 rooms of Type 2 and 1 room of type 1. It is equipped with a Rooftop as a communal space which is equipped with a roof garden and sky lounge.
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