
The Urbanest Escape


Project Coordinator

Project Architect



Our clients from Hong Kong based in Singapore are interested in investing property in Seminyak, Bali. Villa and Spa is our suggestion in design planning to optimize the value of their property business.The lobby has a touch of art deco style with a blend of Tosca colors, calm brown and white sandy. The eyecatching furniture in the lounge area is designed as comfortable and ergonomic. Decorative marble floors look luxurious with a blend of monocrhome colors. From Lobbi you can access to restaurants, spas and villas.Vertical garden as a landscape in lobbi buildings provides coolness to the villa's inner court environment. Big Palm as a landscape sequences on the pathway.Romantic Couple Spa has a calm and relaxed design that gives guests wellnes. The spa has a bathub and open shower is perfect for honeymoon treatment. One stop leisure is the key of The Urbanest Escape.

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